Anet A8 planned upgrades

I have decided to upgrade my Anet A8 to an auto bed leveling machine. In the process I'm going to do a few upgrades to try and improve the quality of my printer. I will document my adventure on this blog in hopes of helping others.

One of the upgrades is to switch from a bowden setup to a direct feed E3D V6 setup. I plan on printing TPU in the future and want to get the best quality I can. Currently with the bowden setup its hit or miss when printing TPU. When printing PLA the machine does well and can run faster speeds than a stock Anet A8.

I have ordered from amazon the following parts.

Bed leveling sensor


I hope these items help.

I also plan on doing an EMT8 conversion 1" conduit in the process.

EMT8 1"

Also I have slowely building a new 3d printer based off the WoodCoreXY by Rics3D which is German and not documented in English.

Wood Core XY by Rics3D

I have built most of this printer but I have a few modifications in mind. I would like to get away from the wooden frame due to cost and the fact it is not rigid enough. I plan on modifying the design to be used with 1" EMT conduit which will reduce the price and stiffen the frame. Also I plan on not using the same bushing and incorporating printed linear bushings similar to the Igus linear bearings I currently use on my A8. I have included a link below to give you an idea of what I use.

Igus linear bearings

On top of that I do not like the hotend carriage so I plan on redoing it to something like the Tech2C

Tech 2C bowden carriage

I will document my adventure here on the blog as I go.
