Bosch 19 lb/hr injector rebuild

I have acquired some 19 lb/hr injectors out of a 1995 Ford F150 5.8L. These injectors are superior to the injectors found in !988 mustang engine. Instead of a single pintle each injector has 4 spray ports. This provides a finer mist to the spray which mixes the fuel and air better. This better air mixture should provide a slight bump in efficiency and possibly a few HP.

I bought a rebuild kit from Amazon. The kit has new o-rings, filters, pintel caps, and spacers.
rebuild kit

I disassembled the old injectors by removing the filters and o-rings.After disassembly I then cleaned them with my home made injector station. The injector station pulses the injectors just like a car would and at controlled rate. You could use just a car battery but I have to make things a little more difficult. I used a pressurized vessel that held the cleaning solution  and a hose ran to the injector.

I built the station  with the following components.

  1.  Arduino Nano REV 3
  2. Mosfet driver
  3. salvaged Bosch injector plug
  4. Old 12 V battery
A picture of the wiring diagram

A copy of the program I wrote. Its simple press Start button and the injector fires 100 times. You can compare the flow of 8 injectors by measuring the liquid dispensed by each injector.

//Fuel injector driver

int SwOn = 6;

int Led = 13;

int count = 0;
int preset = 100; //change this value to desired  number of pulses
int pulses = 0;
int state = HIGH; // the current state of the output pin
int reading; // the current reading from the input pin
int previous = LOW; // the previous reading from the input pin

// the follow variables are long's because the time, measured in miliseconds, // will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
long time = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled
long debounce = 20; // the debounce time, increase if the output flickers

void setup(){
pinMode(SwOn, INPUT_PULLUP); Start switch
pinMode(Inj, OUTPUT); //Injector output

void loop(){
/*set up injector pulse rate to simulate an engine 600 to 6000 rpm  
reading = digitalRead(SwOn);    

// set up one momentary switch as Start/Stop button
if (reading == LOW && previous == HIGH && millis() - time > debounce){
        if (state == HIGH)
             state = LOW;
             state = HIGH;
             time = millis(); }

if (state == LOW && pulses == LOW && count < preset){
        digitalWrite(Inj, 0);
        digitalWrite(Inj, 1);
        count = count + 1;
        digitalWrite(Inj, 0);
        state == HIGH;}

if (count == preset && state == HIGH)
        count = 0;
previous = reading; }

After cleaning I reassembled the injectors with the new components I bought off Amazon.

I used this how to 
